The Mvubu is strong, really strong.

You can use it in your foundations. You can build a double story house with it. You cannot do that with a normal M6 block – even if it is made to SABS standards.
Why did Makana Brick make this brick?
Because it offers great value and it  just makes sense.

Clay bricks also keep sound in (or out) better than most other building materials. If you are interested one of our experienced sales staff can give you the technical information



The Mvubu is a FACE BRICK

You will watch your neighbour repainting the outside of his house or yard wall many times.
You will have the time to help him, because you won’t have to paint yours – EVER. Paint is not getting cheaper. Think about how much money your family will save over 5 years, 10 years, 20 years!

The Mvubu is a CLAY BRICK

Clay bricks are great insulators. Clay bricks keep the inside of your house warmer for longer in winter and cooler in summer.

Download Full Specifications for the MVUBU Bricks




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